Oink Oink Oink.... Why would you think the idiots in congress would read anything before signing it???? All they care about is the PORK in there for them... Besides--- they can't READ. Ha Ha (I know that was ugly!!!)Hugs,Betsy
LOL ... Over 8000 pieces of pork. Many of which, just make me want to throw up, sincerely. (I know THAT picture was ugly!).(((Betsy))
Just my opinions. Things that are important or noteworthy to me. Could be just a rant.
Oink Oink Oink.... Why would you think the idiots in congress would read anything before signing it???? All they care about is the PORK in there for them... Besides--- they can't READ. Ha Ha (I know that was ugly!!!)
LOL ... Over 8000 pieces of pork. Many of which, just make me want to throw up, sincerely. (I know THAT picture was ugly!).